2024 Recap Hero

CCMEC 2024 Recap

CCMEC attracted record numbers in 2024 with 800 sponsors, exhibitors and delegates attending the event in November.

The trade show was expanded to meet demand and sold-out; over 45 sponsors made financial commitments to the convention; there were 16 technical sessions featuring 45 industry experts; and for the first time in CCMEC history it featured two Indigenous keynote speakers.

“What a great year at CCMEC,” said Daniel Card, Earthex Geophysics Solutions. “This is always our favourite show to attend for the exceptional exploration content and friendly faces.” Card added, “We can’t wait to attend next year.”

“CCMEC gives companies such as mine an opportunity to continue networking with peers in the mining industry and investigate upcoming projects, get updates on regulations and it keeps us relevant in the discussion,” shared Dustin Warelis with Canadian Dewatering. Warelis concluded, “Canadian Dewatering looks forward to attending each year as we get great value for our participation.”