Ben Eggers (bio)
Senior Geologist
SGS Geological Services
9:00 to 9:20 a.m.
XploreIQ: Successfully Using Machine Learning in Mineral Exploration (abstract)
Tonny Dithobane (bio)
Discovery International Geophysics Inc.
9:20 to 9:40 a.m.
Deep EM Exploration using High Powered Transmitters and SQUID Sensor Receivers (abstract)
Alice Dineen (bio)
North American Sales Manager
Geotek Coring Inc.
9:40 to 10:00 a.m.
Marc Rinne (bio)
Precambrian Geologist
Government of Manitoba
10:00 to 10:20 a.m.
Troy Unrau
Co-founder and Technical Lead
10:20 to 10:40 a.m.